Friday, March 28, 2008

You've got to be kidding me....

OK, remember this is the safe place, so you don't have to agree with me, but this is just silly. Listen to this guy try and justify this.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Cleaning your recycling....

Here is a great tip from this email subscription I get.

Need help getting the lime wedge out of your beer bottle?
The Bite
Don't bother - you can recycle it with the lime still inside. In fact, none of your recyclables need to be spotless, since most "contaminants" get cleaned out or burned away during remanufacturing. We'll drink to that.
The Benefits
· Recycling's even easier. What will the waste management people think up next?
· Cheers for less water waste. It takes about two glasses of water to clean out a glass jar; you'll save a lotta water by not rinsing your recyclables until they're spick-and-span.
Personally Speaking
Bite team member Hilary used to suck the limes out of her Corona bottles before recycling them until we researched this tip and set her straight.
Wanna Try?
· Don't chuck a container full of moldy cream cheese into the bin - but you don't have to scrape and rinse it 'til it's totally clean either.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Compact Fluorscent and Mercury

NPR did an article on CFLs and Mercury here is the article:

This is just something to be aware of, as you shouldn't just throw them away when the burn out. Also there are precautions to take when they break.

The EnergyStar FAQ linked in the article was good and brief.

Thanks to Jim Wilkin for this link.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What to Eat?

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Hope you are still out there.

What should we eat? We have become so accustomed to having what we want, when we want it. The thought of oranges, broccoli, peppers, onions or tomatos not being available at the store is completely unimaginable in our time. This is all great, but at what cost? If I have to get my pears from Peru or some other country across the world, what impact is that having on the environment.

I am sure some of you remember what this type of access wasn't available. Was it horrible? Let us know.

So again I as what should we eat? Here is a link to 'sustainable table' and their eating seasonable page. Here you will find links to every state, lists of seasonable vegatables and local farmers markets.

Buy seasonable, buy local.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What's in your stomach?

The World: Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler

Carol Fox sent me this and it is so interesting. We have started have veggie night once a week to cut down our meat intake, though we eat mostly chicken. We call it save a chicken night.