Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What to Eat?

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Hope you are still out there.

What should we eat? We have become so accustomed to having what we want, when we want it. The thought of oranges, broccoli, peppers, onions or tomatos not being available at the store is completely unimaginable in our time. This is all great, but at what cost? If I have to get my pears from Peru or some other country across the world, what impact is that having on the environment.

I am sure some of you remember what this type of access wasn't available. Was it horrible? Let us know.

So again I as what should we eat? Here is a link to 'sustainable table' and their eating seasonable page. http://www.sustainabletable.org/shop/eatseasonal/ Here you will find links to every state, lists of seasonable vegatables and local farmers markets.

Buy seasonable, buy local.


Drew Carpenter said...

We started going to our local farmer's market last summer. It is a little more expensive but it's organic - at least with our farmer. Plus it tastes great. Broccoli, carrots, mixed lettuce, and butter lettuce are all in season down in the hill country right now. Beets too - but gross!

Keep blogging bro - love the information you put out there.

Carol Fox said...

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the link. Have you checked out the CSA link on that site? A CSA is a good way to support a local farm (usually organic or biodynamic) and also to make sure you're eating seasonal. We have done a CSA share about 3 times; since for just two people the amount of food can be overwhelming, now we share a single share with our neighbor. We also like getting to know the people who are growing our food.


Lysandra said...

Just thought you would be interested in these toothbrushes...I found them at the Evil Empire (that's what I call wal-mart). They have very soft bristles. I love them. I change out my toothbrush even more often than three months cause I am a freak about oral hygiene. Anyways... They are made from 100% recycled plastic and are also recyclable (packaging too). Here is the link.